For this year’s Mental Illness Awareness Week, our lab showed our support by attending this year’s NAMIWalks on Saturday, October 13th, at Davenport University in Grand Rapids, MI. Each NAMIWalks is a 5K event that raises awareness and funds for NAMI organizations across the country. If you would like to learn more information on NAMI […]
Dr. Thakkar, Beier Yao, and Rachael Slate presented their work at the Society for Research in Psychopathology’s (SRP) 2018 Annual Conference, held in Indianapolis, IN. Congrats on their great work!
Our manuscript entitled, ‘Altered short-term neural plasticity related to schizotypal traits: Evidence from visual adaptation’ was accepted in Schizophrenia Research. In this paper, we show that individuals high in schizophrenia-like traits show evidence for reduced adaptation in the visual system. These findings are suggestive of altered short-term plasticity being related to schizotypal traits, which may have […]
Aakash Dave, Jessica Fattal, Mitchell Isaacs, and Han Wang presented their work at the MSU’s University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF). Congrats on their great work! In addition, Mitchell Isaacs and Jessica Fattal’s shared project has been selected as the first-place recipient for their category’s section! All first-place recipients will be recognized at the […]
Our manuscript entitled, ‘Reduced pupil dilation during action preparation in schizophrenia’ was accepted at the International Journal of Psychophysiology. In this paper, we show that individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia show less dilation of the pupil as they are preparing to respond. Less dilation was associated with more difficulties in motivation and less interest in social […]
Beier Yao and Livon Ghermezi, graduate students in the lab, both successfully defended their Master’s thesis!